Our Departments

Mens Ministry

We are men in Christ who should seek to glorify and serve God through the building of character, integrity and influence by encouraging men to take the next step in walking with Christ through prayer, study, fellowship and reproducing His Life (JESUS) in the lives of others.


This is the women’s wing/fellowship of the church. In broad terms, it was established to serve as an outreach to women; for nurturing through fellowship and the discovering and releasing of locked up potentials and purposes through productive and meaningful participation in the group’s activities.


Kingdom Harvesters Ministries is by grace, blessed with a vibrant Music Ministry. The Head Pastor, Rev Edwin Paddy Acquah has been a Praise and Worship leader for so many years and has impacted this 'anointing' on The Royals. The Music Ministry exists to provide different forms of music for various church meetings and ceremonies within and outside the church....


A KFG is basically the church brought to your door step. There is always a KFG near your house so you don’t have to travel to be part of one. When you join a KFG, you will have the advantage of being in a small group where you can ask all your questions, you will have a pastor who knows you personally and who will pray with you and help you grow in the Lord. The benefit of having sweet fellowship with other members of the church cannot be over accentuated.


Single’s Ministry

Single Parent’s Ministry

Church Workers Prayer Meeting

Drama and Dance Ministry

Touch Lives Outreach

Ushering department

Counsellor’s department

Choreographer’s ministry

Technical & Media  Department

Couple’s Ministry